DVD Whitewater Jetboating Guidelines

A DVD produced to help you get more enjoyment from your jet powered boat.
Topics include jetboating safety, jetboat handling, maneuvering, and rescue tips and techniques.

To obtain your copy of "WhitewaterJetboating Guidelines"
Now in DVD

please remit:

WWA Members:
$14.95 USD plus $.90 sales tax
Total = $15.85 USD

$24.95 USD plus $1.50 sales tax
Total = $26.45 USD

DVD - Jetboating Guidelines
Send your check or money order to:
P.O. Box 892
Boise, ID 83707

†   Ever wonder's what's under the hood?"
†   Maintenance suggestions from people with thousands of hours "in the seat".
†   Produced by Western Whitewater Association to aid new and experienced jetboaters.
DVD Photo 2